Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lesson 16 Reflection

Our final blog brings much sadness and great joy!!! This semester has been a great experience for me. I have learned a lot throughout the semester. I learned so many new technologies to use in the classroom. I have learned that students enjoy using technology in the classroom. They feel that they are older adults if they are using technology. Since the world is changing so much with the new technology the students need to know how to use the technology for the appropriate reason. When we did the WebQuest the students enjoyed learning about the Civil War that way. Since they were able to go on a virtual tour. They were not just reading out of a text book.

Do you believe in me?
I loved the video, I thought it was very inspiring! To have a 10 year old talk in front of 20,000 people was amazing. I think that so many of the teachers there were greatly impacted from listening to the boy. I think it is so true that students need everyone to believe in them. If so many people believed in one person that one person could do so much. Every teacher needs to hear that speech because they will truly see how much they have an impact on each of the students!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 15 Reflection

I was having problems to get the other ways working. They were not letting me create and publish a post using the other ways.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 14 Reflection

There is not a day that goes by that someone is not using some type of technology. We live in a world now today that could not survive without technology. For some reason lately I wonder what the future would be like. I think that there can't be anymore technology invented and then I remind myself what it was like for my parents. I think technology is the great. I use my cell phone constantly and wonder how people ever survived without a cell phone.
Throughout my teaching experience it was amazing to see how the students know how to use so many different types of technology. The students were only 5th and 6th graders but they still had a facebook account. All the computers in the school were Apples. Whenever a teacher would have problems with her computer the students would all help her fix it. They are so much more technological advanced than I ever was. It just amazes me at the amount of knowledge they have with technology.