Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 3- Technology #2

By clicking on the word above it will take you to the website.

My objective for this tool would be to also teach the 5th graders about the body, but this time it will be about the bones in your body. I will teach the students first about their internal organs with the digestive tract and work my way out. I will make sure that each student is familiar with each of the bones and where they all go. For their individual assessment I will have them play a game for me (that is found on the same website under skeleton). While they play this game they have to put the skeleton body back together by placing the bones in the correct place.
Since this is a virtual tour it will help the students remember what they learn. The students tend to get bored if they continue to learn through discussions and lectures. This web site will help to change the lesson up. They will be able to stay focused because it has music, pictures and is narrated.
While at the web page I personally have learned a lot. I always wondered about how many bones I had in my body. It was very interesting to find out that I have 22 bones in my skull, and my backbone has 26 bones. However, some people have more and some people have less. I feel that one of the most important things I want the students to learn is about healthy bones. That is one of the biggest problems the schools are facing today is students with healthy bodies. It tells you the ways to have healthy bones by exercising. It tells how the different parts of your body need the different types of vitamins.
All teachers should use this virtual tour when teaching students about the human body. Most teachers would use posters, but posters are not as good as a virtual tour. The best thing would be if each student had their own computer and could go through the tour at their own pace. They each teacher can assess the student by having them play the game on the web page.

Week 3- Technology #1

Digestive Tract
By clicking on the word above it will take you to the web page.

My objective for this tool would be to teach the 5th graders about the digestive tract and how it works. I want them to be able to learn the different parts by actually seeing what they look like. For their assessment I will have them draw different diagrams of the body and label each part giving the definition of what it does.
They will use this virtual tour web page as their main learning tool of the digestive tract. This is an amazing website that will grab the students attention. Anything that has movement with the students will help to catch their attention. This virtual tour walks them through all of the steps of the tract. It shows what happens when you eat food and also what happens when you just think about food. Not only does it show the pictures but it also tells you about the process. You are able to control this tour as well. So if you need more time on a certain page you are able to stay there and read the information. Then if you need to go back or forward a couple pages you are able to click through the different pages. You are not stuck in a show where you cannot control your pace. With this website it would be good to go at a slow pace on each page and use other sources to give more details on the certain parts.
I personally learned a lot from this webpage. I learned that the small intestine is comprised of three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. That was very interesting to me because I just thought that the small intestine was just a long tube. I also learned that it is the most important absorbing organ of the digestive tract. The second thing I learned was about the large intestine, like the small intestine I didn’t know that it was comprised of different things. I was really surprised when I learned that they were made up of different parts.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 3 Reflection

In class this week we learned a lot about using different technologies and information. We got online and went to You Tube and Teach Tube. From there we copied the url of a video and then learned how to convert the video using Zamzar. Zamzar is going to help when we need to use different videos we find from the Internet in our classroom. I used to not know how to download videos from the Internet. Whenever I would be doing a presentation I would find cool teaching videos online, but was not sure how to download them. Knowing how to use Zamzar will help so much.
As a teacher it is important to use inspirational videos and technology. This will help to get the students excited about learning and change up your teaching techniques. It is also great to use different simulations, like the one found on National Geographic’s. That will help the students to actually visualize what they are learning.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 2- Using technology

As a 'teacher' I will use technology to my advantage. With the world growing so fast and all the new technologies we need to use them in teaching. The students are going to either be trying to sneakily use them in my class or want to use them. So it would be best if I figured out the best way to incorporate them into my lessons. Students learn more if they are not bored and if they are having fun learning. With all the new technologies the students would actually be enjoying what they are learning.
I will use these tools also when it comes to communicating with my students and teachers. Most students will have accesses to a computer or if not they are able to use the library. I would first find out if my students have computers. And then if they all do I would not have a problem communicating with them that way. I would make a class website for them to find out all the information there on what is due and what they should be doing. They will be able to see a calendar as well so they might see any upcoming activities. Most parents like to be aware at all times what is going on in their child's class. This will be the best way that they can know all the time what is going on. They will also help their child make sure they get their homework done. The parents will also be able to communicate with me through email. I will use that as my primary source to get a hold of me, and I will make sure that I'm constantly checking my email. Unless they have a more urgent problem then I will have them call my phone.
I have to be very careful however with the tools I use in my classroom that the students don't take advantage of them. I have to carefully watch them when they are working on the computer and make sure they are not just surfing the web and using other websites that are not appropriate for class.

Videos: I really like the video about the fractions. It made me laugh because I had never seen a rap made into a fraction song. While watching it I thought that it was pretty cool and that the students would actually enjoy watching that and learning from it since the older students are into music. And they say that you learn things better by using music to help you remember it. I even felt like I learned how to do fractions better!
The second video was a good information video I felt. It helped to teach me about all of the new technologies that are out there that I need to take advantage of. The way they edited though I felt like I was getting into a trans with all the flashy color. I found that my eyes kept zoning in on the words. I thought that if I made a video using those flashy colors and music that I would be able to have my students pay attention. I would make the video so that it would teach them things with the core we are doing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reflection #1-Ideal Classroom

My ideal classroom would be perfect in every way! You would walk into my classroom and it would be so colorful. Not to overwhelming or cluttered. You would feel at peace when you walked in. There would be faint music playing that would calm you. All of my students would walk in and all their problems from the world would leave them. No matter their mood for the day, when they walk into my class they would have a smile on their face and be so happy to be there. I would have parents that would always be volunteering in my class. The parents would be so helpful and always want to help in any way they could. We would be spoiled to have a parent every day to help us. My colleagues would have the same out look on teaching and would be so helpful in whatever I would need. We would all work together so well.
Some of my teaching techniques would be to include everyone in everything. I would encourage interaction will almost everything I teach. This way I could keep all of my students involved and listening.
The technologies I would use would be computers and music. I would make sure that everyone knew how to use a computer. And the proper way to do everything on the computer. I would make sure they need appropriate sites to be on. With music their have been so many studies showing how classical music helps with learning. So I would make sure that I incorporate music into my lessons.
I would teach all subjects to my class. And all my students would love all of the subjects. I would make it so that all the subjects I teach are enjoyable for every student. I will have it so that they love to learn new things and want to learn as much as they can.
My class goals would be to have student wanting to learn new things. I want to constantly see the light bulb go off in their head. I want them to be asking a million questions and get so that they can be teaching each other. I want them to see tests as not something they hate or fear, but to see them as a way to make sure they are learning as much as they can and to help assess themselves.
My biggest thing I hope to teach is the love to learn new things. I hope to teach my students that it is not always about the grade they get, but what they take from the class. I hope to teach to always love to learn as much as possible. I hope they would leave my class always wanting to learn more and to continue feeling that way throughout their life!