Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reflection #1-Ideal Classroom

My ideal classroom would be perfect in every way! You would walk into my classroom and it would be so colorful. Not to overwhelming or cluttered. You would feel at peace when you walked in. There would be faint music playing that would calm you. All of my students would walk in and all their problems from the world would leave them. No matter their mood for the day, when they walk into my class they would have a smile on their face and be so happy to be there. I would have parents that would always be volunteering in my class. The parents would be so helpful and always want to help in any way they could. We would be spoiled to have a parent every day to help us. My colleagues would have the same out look on teaching and would be so helpful in whatever I would need. We would all work together so well.
Some of my teaching techniques would be to include everyone in everything. I would encourage interaction will almost everything I teach. This way I could keep all of my students involved and listening.
The technologies I would use would be computers and music. I would make sure that everyone knew how to use a computer. And the proper way to do everything on the computer. I would make sure they need appropriate sites to be on. With music their have been so many studies showing how classical music helps with learning. So I would make sure that I incorporate music into my lessons.
I would teach all subjects to my class. And all my students would love all of the subjects. I would make it so that all the subjects I teach are enjoyable for every student. I will have it so that they love to learn new things and want to learn as much as they can.
My class goals would be to have student wanting to learn new things. I want to constantly see the light bulb go off in their head. I want them to be asking a million questions and get so that they can be teaching each other. I want them to see tests as not something they hate or fear, but to see them as a way to make sure they are learning as much as they can and to help assess themselves.
My biggest thing I hope to teach is the love to learn new things. I hope to teach my students that it is not always about the grade they get, but what they take from the class. I hope to teach to always love to learn as much as possible. I hope they would leave my class always wanting to learn more and to continue feeling that way throughout their life!

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