Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Strengths & Weaknesses

My weak areas were dealing with the equity, ethics, legal, and human issues concerning use of computers and technology. I have heard of the different issues, but do not know them in full detail. I am unsure of all the guidelines. I would be able to learn more about these guidelines by doing some research online. I could also attend a few workshops on this information. My next weak area is the video conferencing such as the Iowa Communications Network. I know what video conferencing is, but I have not used it before. I have not had any experiences where I needed to use it. I would like to use video conferencing more. I think we would be able to conduct more meetings. My last area of weakness is using databases to collect, organize, and analyze data and produce meaningful reports. I know how to do all those things, but going into big detail I'm not sure how to use it all fully.

My strong areas are using the multimedia computer system. I am very good at using the different technologies on the computer. I am very savvy at using the computer. I know how to operate basic and discipline-specific equipment. I am great at involving all the technologies with my different projects I present. Students learn better by seeing things visually. They need to have things that catch their attention and keep their focus in their learning process. I am able to incorporate a lot of technology into my teaching.

If I am not an expert in the certain areas I will use different tools to help become better in those areas. I can go to different workshops to learn more about it. I can also learn about the different areas online at different websites. There are so many tools on the internet that can teach you all the things you would need to know. My goals would be to completely up to date on all the new technologies. I hope to also be able to know all the certain rules and regulations regarding the different technologies. It is so important to use technology in teaching to help your students be able to focus better. They will enjoy their learning if they have something visually appealing to their eye.

My Beliefs

I feel that technology in the classroom can be used for the good. More and more students are learning better from hands on use. They are able to more fully understand what it is that they are learning. We however need to be careful that we do not let the students take advantage of the technology. We need to be aware that technology has many malfunctions and that we cannot handicap ourselves with it. We need to still be able to know how to do everything the "old fashion way." I used to hate how our math teachers used to make us show all our work even when we had a calculator that could do the work.

With that we need to make sure our students know the reason of knowing things the "old fashion way" but also know how to use all the technology to their advantage. I think that if all the technology is coming out to everyone and all our students are using them, we should take advantage of teaching how to use the technology properly. We can help to have our students enjoy everything they are learning and want to be at school. With the new technologies the students would hate to miss school because they would be missing out on all the fun in learning. They would be like elementary students again and hate missing school because of all the fun activities they would be doing.

Lessons Learned

I learned a great deal from these articles and videos. It was all very interesting to me because of all the new technology that is coming about. It is crazy to me to think of all the new technologies out there that I am still not aware of. It's weird to learn that even living in the United States we still have not gotten all the new technologies that are being used all over the country. I especially learned a lot from Harrison High school. It was so interesting to see that at that high school all the new technology they are using. Just by using a TV they are playing a game while studying for a test with the e-file game. The students are thoroughly enjoying going to school now. They are no longer wanting to miss school.

The shorthand is becoming more and more popular. Not only are teens using it but adults are when talking to teens and various work meetings. Each generation is coming out with their own shorthand. They are upgrading the old shorthand with the new shorthand. My only concern with that is that people are really forgetting how to properly write. In their school papers they are using shorthand. They are also forgetting how to verbal communicate with one another because they have now turned to all the technology to communicate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 6 Reflection

We are still in the process of our digital story. It is coming along very nicely. I am very happy at how well it is turning out. I think that these are going to be great tools to use when teaching. And I hope to be able to use this digital story when I am doing my field experience. We are working great together getting this project done. We each take a different part to work on. I have been working on editing the video clip from Remember the Titans. It is a great learning process because I am having to figure out how to convert it into the right format to use on our digital story. I think that has been one of the hardest parts. I am still trying to figure out what the right format is. I might just have to download it onto youtube and then convert it back using zamzar.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 5-Reflection

This week in class was very helpful for us to work on our digital story. We were able to ask question on how to use movie maker. I worked on editing a movie clip we are going to use for our story. It was fun learning how to use imovie. I'm learning a lot of new uses of technology that will help in my future class. I will be able to use these digital stories for my future class. I'm enjoying doing ours on the battle of Gettysburg. We were able to put all of our pictures together for our story and get the timing right on it.

The Did you know video was amazing to me. I thought it was so interesting all the facts it showed. I learned a lot from this short 8 minutes video clip. It made me really think of how I need to help my future students be able to prepare for the time they will live in. It helped me to learn about what is happening in the world today around me every second of the day.

A Vision of Students today- I did not like this movie as much as the others because it moved to fast and the information was cool, but not something I really enjoyed. As a college student I feel like I already knew all those facts because of my own life. But I did learn some interesting facts about the students around the world and what they face with money problems and other challenges.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 4- Reflection

In class we learned about digital stories. I thought at first when we were asked what it was that I knew what it was. But I was very wrong. Its awesome that it is telling a story by narrating it and using videos. While the show it playing you can also have pictures showing what is happening. This is great for a teacher because this would be a great project to have the older students do and help them learn the material and have fun while learning. They will be able to learn the material and then show it to the class so that the rest of the class can learn about the certain topic as well.
I can use this as a teacher because this will help to teach new material to my students. It will mix up my way of teaching so that they don't get bored from learning new material the same way. I could use it as teaching new material, emotional past history, uplifting events or anything.
By using the digital stories you could also show this easily to other students or parents. You could keep it forever and put it up whenever you need to use it again.

I really enjoyed this video on the NASA. It was a really emotional video I felt because I saw all the men that have died from working in helping to better our world. It was very interesting to me the amount of men and women who died. I had no idea that there was that many who died. I learned a lot from that video and I know that if I still learned a lot about NASA I know that the students would learn a lot from the video. They would be able to see the amount of people who were killed, its not the same as seeing a list of the people as it would be from seeing what they look like.