Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 5-Reflection

This week in class was very helpful for us to work on our digital story. We were able to ask question on how to use movie maker. I worked on editing a movie clip we are going to use for our story. It was fun learning how to use imovie. I'm learning a lot of new uses of technology that will help in my future class. I will be able to use these digital stories for my future class. I'm enjoying doing ours on the battle of Gettysburg. We were able to put all of our pictures together for our story and get the timing right on it.

The Did you know video was amazing to me. I thought it was so interesting all the facts it showed. I learned a lot from this short 8 minutes video clip. It made me really think of how I need to help my future students be able to prepare for the time they will live in. It helped me to learn about what is happening in the world today around me every second of the day.

A Vision of Students today- I did not like this movie as much as the others because it moved to fast and the information was cool, but not something I really enjoyed. As a college student I feel like I already knew all those facts because of my own life. But I did learn some interesting facts about the students around the world and what they face with money problems and other challenges.

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